I am asking God in the Name of Jesus that you would Bless Ademi in all of his Business contracts, please Baba God Open all doors that lead to his Success. May you cover his mind and mental health. Please Lord guide him as he makes his decisions today. You have always been our provider, why should you fail now. Thank you O God for all your Blessings. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Lord, we lived up Ademi. We know that you provide for those who love you and live for you, and also test us with trials in life. So please Lord, help Ademi and all of mankind to notice your love and blessings. And bless him further, if it is your will. Please God, look after Ademi’s mental health as well as physical. We thank you for the infinite blessings you have already given us, and we ask that all people and Ademi would see your love and accept your gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ, you yourself, dying on the cross to pay the price we had to pay for our sins.
PLEASE, READ MY WHOLE REPLY! The One Way to Eternal Life, The Good News, and The Answer to all trials is inside. I care about you, as my fellow human and my brother or sister in the church and under the name of Christ Jesus. And in case you haven’t heard, Jesus loves you infinitely more! Seriously, God’s love for us all is a neverending amount more than any human could ever love!
So I want to tell you the most important thing you can ever hear. Perhaps you have heard that Jesus died for us all. I bet you know that He came back to life after three days too. But many people miss the true meaning of this.
As we can all agree, the world isn’t perfect. That dates back to Adam and Eve, who in the Garden of Eden chose to disobey God, and brought the Curse of sin into the world. Becuase of this, all of mankind and the world were made imperfect. This imperfection made an infinite separation between us and God, meaning we were all doomed to go to Hell.
But God didn’t want that. So, according to John 3:16 (For God so loved the world, that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not parish, but have eternal life.), and the rest of the Bible, God gave Himself up to pay the price for our sins. That’s the reason Jesus, or God’s Son, 100% God, and also 100% man, came to earth, and lived a perfectly sinless life. He payed the price that according to the Bible we had to.
Romans 6: 23 says: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gracious gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This means that we are paid for our sin in death, eternal, spiritual,
and physical death, separation from God’s grace. Jesus died, and then came back from the grave, defeating sin and death to pay our price for us. The Bible says that if you repent (To be sorry for sin as morally evil, and to seek forgiveness; to cease to love sin and do sin.) You will be saved!
Doing this acccepts the Holy Spirit of God into your heart, who will build a spiritual stronghold in your heart and soul, and block out and rip out any demons that may be there. But if you don’t think you are demon possesed, then you probably aren’t. You’ll know, very much, when you are. You’ll feel it. From what I know. Satan does like to spark ideas and thoughts within people though, so the Holy Spirit fights that.
The day you read this, you can accept Jesus as your Savior by asking Him to forgive you of your sins, sins past, present, and future, and asking Him to come into your heart. No matter who you are, or what you’ve done, God offers this free gift to you out of love! We never know when we may leave this earth, so please, accept the free gift of forgiveness that Jesus is holding out to you. This is the one and only way to Heaven! No amount of good things we do can bridge the gap between us and God, accept for faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior!
If you made that decision recently, try reading the book of John. There are different translations of the Bible that help with different parts and ideas of and from the Bible. Some are more word for word, some are more thought for thought from the origional languages. Pick the one that’s right for you. Remember that none are perfectly accurate.
Once you’ve finished reading the book of John, I recommend reading the whole New and the Old Testament. Remember that the Old Testament Hebrew Laws and Rules about sacrifices and all don’t apply to us anymore, since the Law was just a shadow of Jesus, Who has now come. (Hebrew 10:1-10).
Jesus says in Matthew 22:35-40 that the greatest commandment is this, and that the Law depends on this: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind, and that the second greatest commandment is like it, love you neighbor as yourself.
If you doubt the Bible, please know that the evidence is out there. If you want a human who can answer any questions, find a church where the people believe what I’ve said here and, more importantly, truthfully believe what the Bible says. And then teach it.
Don’t trust the internet with questions of importance, unless the site that you use meets the same requirements as the church.
I apologize for how long this message was, but I hope that you have come to the 100% confidence that you will have Eternal Life with God in Heaven if you weren’t sure already!
Remember to, as Jesus commanded, "Therefore go forth and make disciples of all the nations… " at the end of Matthew 28! What I’ve told you today is the Gospel. Spread the Word! Share the Good News! (Gospel means Good News!) Jesus loves you, and us all
Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus, I lift up Ademi before You today. I ask that You would bless all of his business contracts and open every door that leads to his success. Cover his mind and mental health, Lord, and guide him as he makes decisions today. May Your wisdom and peace be with him in every step he takes. You have always been our faithful provider, and I trust that You will not fail him now. Thank You, Lord, for Your abundant blessings and grace. I pray that Ademi will continue to experience Your provision, favor, and guidance in all his endeavors. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.