Is this a test of faith?

May God bless you 7 fold for your prayer for my family and me.
Truth is, all of us need prayer and often if not always. However, I’ve been struggling a lot more than usual as I face numerous battles at the same time, battles that some of us seldom if ever face. I try to keep God at the center of my life as we all should, but honestly, sometimes it’s difficult to give thanks in everything as more and more I feel like I’m faking the positive, confident attitude I have as I speak words of hope & encouragement daily tomy family and friends. I’ve been wrongfully targeted and judged falsely for at least four years now. At first, I was confident that justice would prevail but as time went on without any vindication, I lost faith in parts of our legal system. My family and I grew exhausted and eventually, I justified giving up because of how weary we had grown throughout the experience. A decision I wish I hadn’t made because now, only months after that ordeal, a new matter has emerged and once again I’ve been targeted with false accusations, but this time, I’m going to remain faithful to God and His plan. I lost faith previously in a worldly system, not our Creator and I should’ve held onto that faith. Here I face a government entity that has been given too much authority throughout the years that is now being abused and at the expense of innocent victims and defenseless children. It’s disgusting. Maybe I’m here to expose them, to initiate a tune up that is much needed. I don’t know but God has a plan. Unfortunately, I do this without my partner of almost 2 decades since he had an affair that continued while and after I was pregnant with our fourth child. I temporarily lost the ability to fully care for our children, (which I did on my own for years), lived homeless, lost diginity, my reputation, and my rights in a matter of a couple days and now I am in need of a secure job that will allow me to support the kids and I once again. I don’t know how to handle Christmas this year. I need prayers as each day I’m reminded of so much I can’t do and miss desperately. I really appreciate any and all prayers.

Praying for you as you face this trial

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God has said, He will never leave us. Satan has no power when we trust in God.
I pray you discover his mercies and these things will be resolved.

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