Pending legal action

7 years ago, I moved in with an unbeliever. I’m paying for this in a couple different ways. I know better than to marry an unbeliever, yet I did it. My pending divorce seems to be an ongoing thing with the law firm I’ve chosen. I can’t get them to move on the divorce finality. Please pray that this divorce undoes the wickedness I did. It’s brought a lot of shame and guilt on me. She has never once asked me to reconsider, so I know that she’s ok with the divorce. I know I rebelled. I know it was wrong. I am sorry and will never do this again! I pray that I can be divorced and that I can find a new place to live. I’m selling the house and giving her half of whatever is left. Please pray I find a new home and that I’m able to be divorced quickly. It’s taken 5 months to get to the place the law firm is at. It should have taken about 3 months total, from what I’m told. Thank you!