Return of all and justice

Divine Protector God and entire universes Hear Our Plea We raise our voices in fervent prayer for El Vasil and his cherished family praying for return of light to them and asking you to beseech your divine shield to envelop them and guarding them from all harm, seen and unseen along with extortionists We implore you, in your infinite wisdom and justice to dismantle and render powerless and exterminating false children’s of God or those that trying or think that El Vasil will position swap them with strangers or their companions or Theocracyies,regime together with false monarchism and incompatible beying along with scavengers in all the spaces with anti-competitive practices power of attorney who engage in voting intimidation against El Vasil aswell as forge false agreements and propagate atheism together with Misotheism or falsely proclaim amnesty over apotheosis El Vasil without his consent or trampy henpecked husbands dwelling exclusion along with adulteress wife’s and love curses or Lavender marriages and Dandelion that other wants to throw to him or engaging them with him may they meet final anhilation for their sleazy ways We pray for the restoration of tyrant El Vasil strength unbeatable powers and properties aswell as financials that have been unjustly taken and stolen from him we praying so he can jump to the life of glory we asking for annihilation for cynical assumptions,moochers and misappropriation of founds that must be returned to El Vasil Mišalko we strongly rejecting robbing El Vasil to pay others known or unknown may they return everything and their real identity may be brought back so they can be convey to extermination along with genos from El Vasil properties be compelt o God to return all that has been stolen back to El Vasil we lifting up our voices for Irreversible Crossroads for unwanted people beings and enemies that are rejected by El Vasil Mišalko and praying to exposal and Annihilation to those who deflecting blame onto someone else to avoid responsibility and denying or pretending that events didn’t happened and had spllited personalities and gaslighted against El Vasil We praying against Poltergeist the insidious forces of prayers blocking or reversal and those who seek to steal El Vasil identity and names or recurring situations We cry out for the annihilation for Deus deceptor,Transformative leaders, headhunters, night hags together with a demon of theft together with all body thieves and those who perpetrate the heinous crimes of pedophilia and the abuse of innocent, prepubescent children or and any form of sexual abuse or murders wherever it may occur We praying against spirits possessions of any body and all black magic Animism and evildoers and those that cunning Expose their vile schemes and treacherous lies bring them to Annihilation together with the Pseudologoi, Fraus, laverna,loki and those who having high-conflict personality along with perfidious acts against El Vasil Misalko Lord We trust in your unwavering power and your boundless compassion and that the power of the weak will not influence and blinding others or affecting you in your holy name we Pray Amen.